Plant in lab

What we offer

If you’re in the agrifood sector and would like to learn more about how AFII could help you to co-design a solution to a problem you are facing, or turn an innovative idea into reality, get in touch with us.

As well as a suite of business development support services, AFII offers a unique model of industry-research collaboration delivered by establishing Innovation Project Teams – an interdisciplinary team working on industry-driven challenges.

Our services

  • Brokering of relationships and relationship management
  • Formation and ongoing facilitation of projects
  • Assistance with finding and applying for funding
  • Business development support for researchers on agrifood projects, including intellectual property arrangements, funding applications and partnership agreements

We work with Innovation ANU to complement their business development services and provide support for projects in the agrifood sector.

Our project model

  • We use consultation and workshops to identify the industry challenge, understand the problem and context. Workshops include a wide range of industry stakeholders, end-users and research disciplines to explore problems from different perspectives.
  • We then match the industry challenge to research strengths at ANU and other research institutes, along with delivery and trial capabilities. Agrifood solutions often require field trials on experimental farms, which we can support.
  • We create an innovation project team, which includes industry involvement and researchers from different disciplines working together.
  • Throughout the project, we facilitate meetings to build relationships, establish common goals, and build engagement and support. We assist in organising appropriate confidentiality and intellectual property documents, and support teams to identify and commit to milestones. We support the development of a funding proposal (if the project will seek externally funding) or agreement (if the project will be funded by the industry partner/s and ANU).
  • We continue to monitor the project and support the team to address issues as they arise.